2023 - Volume 24 [Issue 1]

Original Research Article

Effect of Tillage Methods, Farmyard Manure and Potassium Rates on Some Soil Chemical Properties and Nutrient Contents in Cassava in Kagera, Tanzania

Mgeta Steven Merumba, Johnson Mashambo Semoka, Ernest Semu, Balthazar Michael Msanya, Jojianas Kokulamka Kibura

DOI: 10.9734/jaeri/2023/v24i1515

Page: 1-15

Diversity and Distribution of Woody Species in Agrosystems in the Maradi Region along a North-Central-South Gradient

Ibrahim Kasso A. Rahamane, Massaoudou Moussa, Baragé Moussa, Mahamane Larwanou, Zounon Christian Serge Félix

DOI: 10.9734/jaeri/2023/v24i1516

Page: 16-28

Assessing of Some Summer Forage Crops to Infection by Common Smut and Downy Mildew Diseases for Forage and Silage Production

Tamer G. El-Gaafarey , Samar S. A. Elsayed , Shereen M. El-Nahrawy

DOI: 10.9734/jaeri/2023/v24i1517

Page: 29-42

Population Studies of Pecari tajacu Collared Peccary (Artiodactyla:Tayassuidae) in Tzucacab, Yucatán, México

Montes-Pérez Rubén , Pacheco-Sierra Gualberto , López-Cobá Ermilo , May-Cruz Christian

DOI: 10.9734/jaeri/2023/v24i1518

Page: 43-56

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