College of Food Science and Engineering, Bohai University, 19# Keji Rd., Jinzhou Liaoning 121013 P.R.China. Education: PhD: 1992-09 to 1996-06, Vegetable Biology and Biotechnology, Southwest University, MSc: 1984-09 to 1987-06, Storage and Processing of Agricultural Produces, Southwest University, BSc: 1980-09 to 1984-06, Pmology, Southwest University. Occupational History: 2014-06 to present, Full-Professor, Head of Institute for Science and Technology of Fruits and vegetables, College of Food Science and Engineering, Bohai University, 2009-01 to 2014-05: Full-Professor, Head of Institute for Food Nutrition, Quality and Safety, College of Food Science and Technology, Shenyang Agricultural University, 2001-07 to 2008-12: SRA, Postdoctorate, UC Davis, 1996-07 to 2001-06: Visiting Professor, Postdoctorate, ARO Volcani Center, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Isreal. 1987-07 to 1996-06: Assistant-Professor, Lecturer, Associate-Professor, College of Food Science and Technology, Southwest University. Social Service: Director of, Liaoning Province Society of Food Quality and Safety, Vice-Chairman of, Dietitian Association of Liaoning Province, Associate Editor-in-Chief of, Journal of Food Safety and Quality, Board Chairman of, Beijing Enterfine Biological Sci. & Tech. Co., Ltd.